Products are products produced and sold to consumers

Products are products produced and sold to consumers
Understanding Products - Products or goods are the results of the production process pursued by the company or manufacturer which will then be sold to consumers. Some of the company's income derived from products sold to consumers who buy these products. Here are some definitions of the product according to experts: Kotler and Amnstrong (1996: 274) According to Kotler and Armstrong, the notion of a product is everything that is offered in the market to get attention, be used, be bought and can satisfy the desires or needs of consumers. Jhonny Santono (on International Journals Literature) According to Stanton, the definition of a product is all tangible or intangible attributes including packaging, color, price, quality and also the brand plus services and reputation. Based on some understanding of the product according to the experts above, it can be concluded that the product is a means of satisfying the needs and desires of consumers offered by the company either tangible or intangible something that aims to meet consumer needs.
M. Taufiq Amir According to M. Taufiq Amir, the definition of a product is what is offered in the market so that it can be bought, used or consumed so that it can satisfy their wants and needs. Fandy Tjiptono (1999: 95) According to Fandy Tjiptono, the conceptual understanding of the product is a subjective understanding of the manufacturer of a matter that can be offered as an effort to achieve the company's goals through meeting the needs and desires of consumers in accordance with the competence and capacity of the company and purchasing power.
Swastha and Irawan (1990: 165) The definition of product according to Swastha and Irawan is a complex trait whether it can be touched or cannot be touched which can include color, packaging, price, company prestige, service, etc. Product Levels At this time, entrepreneurs are no longer only competing to make products but they are also competing in additional aspects of the product such as packaging, service, advertising and other factors that can benefit consumers.
According to Kotler there are several product levels, including the following: Core Benefits (Core Benefits): The most basic benefits of a thing purchased by consumers. Basic Products: Basic products that can fulfill the most basic product functions. Expected Products: Buyers or consumers have expectations for the goods or services they buy. Augmented Product: An added value beyond what is expected by consumers. Potential Products: Looking for the added value of another product in the future.
Product Classification According to Kotler (2007: 6), based on the durability and appearance of the product can be classified into 3 (three) categories: 1. Non-Durable Goods Items that are used up or are not durable are tangible items and will usually run out if consumed in one or several uses. It can be said that this type of goods has an economic age under normal use of less than one year. 2. Durable Goods This type of product is tangible and can last a long time in accordance with its economic life. In general, this type of product requires a warranty from the seller or manufacturer. 3. Services (Service) Service products are activities, benefits and satisfaction offered for sale such as car repair shops, beauty salons, etc. Thus the discussion about Product Definition is, Levels and Classifications.